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Child Protection Policy

All contact details of parents are securely logged and kept in a safe place under lock and key. We only use your email, mobile or home number for our own Company use. No data is shared with any other companies or third parties and all information is confidential.


Sonnets Theatre Arts School Director is ultimately responsible for the correct application of the Child Protection Policy. The Director will ensure that all freelance contractors and Chaperones where applicable are fully aware of the policy and apply it.


The Director and Partner of Sonnets Theatre Arts School will undertake effective recruitment, including appropriate vetting of staff and volunteers. All Directors, partners and contractors dealing directly with children will be required to have Enhanced Disclosure Certificates from the Criminal Records Bureau before the start of an engagement. Disclosures will be repeated for all Directors and contractors at appropriate intervals.

Events & Outreach work

There will be briefings before events where several workers are involved to inform as to the chain of responsibilities, and be provided with contact details. All staff helping will be required to hold recent Enhanced Disclosure Certificates. If parents volunteer to help at an event they must always be with a member of staff who is CRB checked.

Payment for disclosures

Where payment is required, Sonnets Theatre Arts School will pay for Director and partners.  All freelance staff will be required to cover the fee themselves.

Health & Safety

Sonnets Theatre Arts School will keep up to date with health and safety regulations in artistic management practice and with changes in legislation regarding the protection of children and young adults.

Photographs, films or web-based materials

Photographs, film or web-based materials of children or young adults participating in any Sonnets Theatre Arts School event or class will only be taken with the consent of the parents and in consultation with the children and young adults involved.

Data Protection

Sonnets Theatre Arts School will support confidentiality in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and will not hand out any information about freelancers or children and young people to other arts organisations other than in the ordinary course of business.


Whilst in Sonnets Theatre Arts School’s care, no child will be allowed to leave the premises after or during a class, without supervision deemed appropriate by the Director.

Child Pick up from classes and events

Parents/guardians/ will be required to inform the Director in writing of the identity of the person who will be escorting their child(ren) from Sonnets Theatre Arts School classes or events and, if applicable this will be from week to week. Where parents/guardians/carers wish to allow their child(ren) to travel home from SonnetsTheatre Arts School classes or events without adult supervision, Sonnets Theatre Arts School will require that authorisation in writing before the course commences.

Ratios for Supervision of children

Sonnets Theatre Arts School will bear in mind the recommended ratios for supervision of children recommended by the NSPCC when deciding staffing of activities.
With regards to the ratios for supervision with children, we ask parents to give us half a terms notice if their child is due to leave, so we can allocate spaces to new children who want to start.

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